^^this weekend, but not me. and better. and bonier. HAHA
i wanted to do this on here too, so i got it from kayla. it seems like my answers are never the same when i do this.
time started - 1:00 pm in Spanish 3. haha
full name - skylar cierra jones
nickname(s) - peanut, sky, little, jones
birthday - april 24, 1992
where were you born - north carolina
height - 5'7". kinda
weight - not telling
hair color - bright red
eye color - blue
shoe size - 9
ring size - 7
skin type (freckles, tan, albino, etc.) - pale
blood type - idk
siblings - kristie jeffrey lee justin cole styrling sleydar
tattoos - none YET
piercings - industrial, bellybutton, ears
hobbies - drawing, listening to music, watching tv, redwork
color - gray
food - anything w/ noodles
candy - twizzlers
type of cheese - mozzerella (sp?)
pizza topping - cheeeeesy
salad dressing - ranch or italian
sandwich - banana and mayo
cereal - UMMMM. ctc, apple jacks, pops, honey comb, froot loops, fruity and cocoa pebbles, raisin bran...pretty much all kinds except kashi.
fruit - ALL KINDS
vegetable - broccoli
berry - strawberry
cake - chocolate
book - blue like jazz. or night. or eclipse.. haha
movie - american history x
tv show - FRIENDS
website - facebook. this and tumblr too
radio station - 100.3, 92.3, 94.1
font - arial, times
cartoon character - spongebob
actor - edward norton
actress - sandra bullock
cd - right now THE FAME MONSTER
song - idk but wish you were here by pink floyd
music group - led zeppelin, always
music type - pretty much all
day of the week - usually saturdays
month - april duh
season - spring
holiday - christmas
shampoo - dove
conditioner - same
store - american eagle
weather - mild. breezy but warm
restaurant - too hard to pick
channel - the cw
weekend activity - uhhhhh. work?
hangout - my house or someone elses. the pb
sport to watch - football. NY GIANTS or baseball, RED SOX
sport to play - nonezies
animal - dog
flower - buttercup
board game - life
party game - .......
story from childhood - some story my papaw used to tell me about a dog, i dont remember it but i know i loved it.
body part - hands
have you ever:
been on a train - yes
been on a plane - yes
been in a car accident - yes
caused a car accident - yes
run into a wall - no
burned a potato chip - no
almost burned the house down - yeah
smoked - yes
been drunk - no
broken the law - yes
burned a cd (if yes, the one above is yes) - yes
kissed someone of the opposite sex - yes
kissed someone of the same sex - no
gotten engaged - no
had an online relationship - no
been rejected by a crush - who hasnt
loved - yeah
made yourself cry to get out of trouble - DUH
cried in public - yeah. at work
cried over a movie - yeah
fallen asleep in a movie theater - in monsters v. aliens, i was so tired and sick
given someone a bath - niece and nephew
been to a boarding school - no
been home-schooled - no
lost a valuable item - not really
bungee jumped - no
skied - no
met the president - no
met a celebrity - no
gotten a cavity - yes
shopped at abercrombie & fitch - fuck that
made a prank call - YES
skipped school - yes
faked sick to get out of school - yes
climbed a tree - yes
fallen from a tree - no
broken a bone - yes
sprained anything - no
passed out - yes
made yourself pass out - ...no
been to disney world - no
been to a theme park (not disney) - yes
said i love you and meant it (not to a relative) - yes
made a model volcano (working model) - no
made a clover leaf with your tounge - no
what did you do yesterday - went to school, went to work
memory you miss the most - when dad was home, my adoptive dad, being little
memory you want to forget - idk, none
something you regretted after it was done - idk
the last:
song you heard - aenema...i never know if i spell that right
cd you bought - the fame monster
thing you said - youre stupid, tyler
time you cried - last night. stressed as hell
movie seen in a theater - valentines day
thing you ate - pop tart
person who called - mom
nail polish shade worn - none in forever
time you showered - this morning
person who complimented you - dmb prolly
at this moment:
what are you listening to - kelsea talk
what are you wearing - gray ae sweater, jeans, shoes
what are you thinking - jfkaljsdldjkl;sa
what are you scared of most - losing people i love
occupation - tattoo artist or drug rehab counselor
marriage site - boone
honeymoon - europe
place to live - boone
kids - 0
car - my little baby neon forever
what are you doing tomorrow - school and work
will there be a WWIII - prob.
will politics ever be truthful - no
do you believe in:
heaven - yes
hell - yes
angels - yes
devil - yes
God - yes
buddha - yes
aliens - no
ghosts - yes
spirit (soul) - yes
soulmates - sure
reincarnation - no
love at first sight - no
karma - yes
love in general - sure
luck - no
yourself - sure
who and when was your first crush - idk someone in kindergarten prolly.
a celebrity crush - hey robert pattinson
whose number do you want - no ones
what is something you dont understand about the opposite sex - how they like the most dumbass girls on the planet. just sayin'
on scale of one to ten, how romantic are you - negative 5
what do you look for personality-wise - humility, honesty, kindness
something the opposite sex wears that you like - slip ons. tight flannels, if youre skinny
something the opposite sex wears that you don't like - tacky slouchy pants. idk
the most romantic thing that has happened to you - idk
do you want to hug somebody right now - no
mellow - relaxed
melancholy - sad
the perfect date - nap
the perfect mate - idk
why manhole covers are round - for the round people going in them
one or the other:
coke/pepsi - pepsi
sprite/7-up - Sprite
vanilla/chocolate - Chocolate
flowers/candy - candy
book/magazine - both. i guess book
tv/radio - tv i guess
glass half empty/half full - neither one ITS LIQUID IN A CUP
democrat/republican - socially dem.
colored pencils/markers - no colored pencils they dont blend well
coffee/tea - BOTH BOTH BOTH
sun/moon - moon
day/night - night
hot/cold - middle
dog/cat - puppies and kittens
button/zipper - button
cotton/feather pillow - feather
blue/purple - purple
jeans/shorts - jeans
long distance relationship/none - i'm not sure about that one. maybe for a short period of time long distance.
mechanical/regular pencil - Depends, writing- mechanical. Drawing-regular
romantic comedy/thriller - thriller
nsync/bsb - neither
peanut butter/jelly - neither
waffles/pancakes - waffles
letter/email - letter from my dad
florida/california - california, never been to fl
pizza/burgers - burgers
hat/visor - neither
movie at home/in theater - at home
first thing you think of when you hear:
yellow - bird
red lipstick - classy
socks - wool
cowtipping - cars
moulin rouge - glitter
greenland - ice
iceland - green
harry potter - "you're a wizard, harry"
red - my hair
blackberry - cobbler
rose - typical
rooster - aic
taxes - unfortunate
bill clinton - great economist
whipped cream - ice cream
george w. bush - idiot
lollipops - rainbow
dreams - id
love - life
guys - beer. haha kayla
south park - lame
boy bands - ....
pengiuns - tuxedos
girls - sluts
death - and all his friends
spoons - sliver
junk mail - email
dairy - milk
your father - tattoos
pizza - mellow mush
vitamin - e
are you:
happy - yes
sad - no
religious - no
crazy - no
messy - some
mad - no
slacker - sometimes
nerd - sometimes
bookworm - sometimes
jock - no
preppy - no
selfish - no
giving - yes
obsessive - no
violent - no
calm - sometimes
peaceful - sometimes
mellow - sometimes
eccentric - yes
caring - yes
untrustworthy - no
loyal - yes
patriotic - no
colorful - sometimes
artistic - yes
what color is your jacket - blue
do you shave - yeah
what color is your razor - purple
what size is your bed - queeeen
what color crayon would you be - olive
what are the last four digits of you phone number - 2816
how long does it take you to shower - 15 mins
who do you trust the most - no one. maybe my dad
is cussing a necessity in life - no, it's a habit
how about coffee - no
is the world screwed - the human race is
what something you can't live without - air
what time did you fall asleep - 11pm
can you live without a microwave - never
what do think about death - hate it
where and when do you want to be married - djskjdklajasdkl
why is the sky blue - not always blue
what is a good trait about yourself - open minded
how do you react to change - dont like it
do you talk to yourself - yeah sometimes
what is your opinion on love -
if you wrote a book, what would it be about - drugs...addiction and recovery, i dont have experience though. haha
time finished - 2:56 pm.. had to work on other stuff!